I understand that I am enrolling in a 12-month agreement with NSFIT. I authorize NSFit to deduct my monthly dues payments and any other fees, taxes or charges due under this agreement and other agreements associated with this account from the bank/credit card account provided either through an automatic check draft, credit card, or electronic funds transfer (EFT) system on the noted date until such a time as I cancel my membership in compliance with the terms and conditions of this contract. If I am obligated under a previous agreement with NSFit and there is an outstanding balance due, the amount paid on this agreement will apply to any outstanding balance. I further authorize NSFit to continue deducting my monthly dues payments so long as I remain a member/PT Client (section 6(c) of NSFit. If at any time I decide to make a change in the method of payment, I will notify NSFit in writing by certified mail or using the Change Request Form provided by NSFit, at least 30 days before the date of the intended change, along with specifying an acceptable alternative method of payment and bring current any past due obligations under this agreement(s).Buyer/Member acknowledges that a $3 service fee will be applied when using a credit card for payment. Monthly rate discounts are available for those who opt for payment via ACH account draft.
How To Cancel
You, the buyer, may cancel this Agreement at any time prior to midnight of the fifth working day after the date of this Studio Agreement, excluding Sundays and holidays. To cancel this Agreement, mail or deliver a signed and dated notice (for your protection, a certified letter), or send a telegram which states that you, the buyer, are canceling this Agreement, or words of a similar effect. Such notice shall be sent to PO BOX 3116, Yuba City, CA 95992, or complete a cancellation request at your home club.