6 Week Challenge

Hello Patricia

You were brave enough to accept the challenge, now let’s explain what it means! It has been life changing for me personally, and I hope you will get out of it what I have.

You first need to set your goal:

    1.You want to lose weight?

    2.You want to tone and tighten?

    3.You want to enhance your endurance?

    4.You want to gain muscle?

    5.You want to maintain your health?

You may fall into a different category, but these are meant to give you some ideas. The next thing that you need to do is to schedule an appointment with a trainer who will conduct your assessment. Please note that you must physically show up to the appointment you schedule, conduct the assessment and complete your first free session with your assigned trainer.

Schedule your assessment by using the Calendly Link Below

Schedule Your Assessment!

Please show up 15 minutes early so that we can fit you with a heart rate monitor and show you how the equipment in the studio works. The assessment works like this:

  1. We will take your weight
  2. We will measure your Body Mass Index - BMI screens for weight categories that may lead to health problems, but it does not diagnose the body fatness or health of an individual.
  3. We will capture your resting heart rate
  4. We will take your blood pressure
  5. We will measure your Body Fat Percentage
  6. We will measure your waste line
  7. We will measure your aerobic capacity (VO2Max) – VO2Max measures your endurance, which is accomplished though a series of exercises at whatever pace you request. You will walk, jog or run on a treadmill at an incline of your choosing for 4 minutes, twice. The first 4 minutes is focused on how high you can climb, while the second 4 minutes focuses on how fast you can move. Following these two measurements, we will measure how quickly you cool down.

Why do we do this?

These are all direct measurements of your fitness level. And the 6-week challenge is designed to improve all of these numbers. You will track your progress through your account online, so that you can see the trends and changes as you progress through the challenge. Your initial assessment and report are Free to you, along with your first session (a $40 value). Once you receive your report, you can determine if you want to continue with the challenge or if you simply like where you are. There is no pressure to buy sessions, personal training, classes, or anything else.

What to expect when you arrive?

When you arrive at the studio, a friends face will be here to greet you. Typically the trainer that shows up is who is scheduled, but you can choose from any of our trainers will guide you through your journey.

  1. You will then proceed to complete the assessment (before or after the session that is scheduled when you arrive).
  2. One of our certified trainers will walk you through what just happened.
  3. If you’re ready we will invite you back!

Yes that simple!

Challenge Rules

  1. You must complete a pre-6-week challenge assessment
  2. You must sign up on the HiiT52 website (community interest group)
  3. You must attend class on the schedule agreed upon (X number of sessions per week)
  4. You must post your post workout summaries to HiiT52.com
  5. You must commit to using MyFitness Pal, LoseIT or another diet tracker
  6. You must post your macros from one of these apps to HiiT52 daily
  7. You must complete a post 6-week challenge assessment
  8. You must dedicate the time you commit, to the program

Thank You,

Mike E., President

Certified Trainers

Proprietary Technology

Woodway Treadmills

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