Knowledge Base
Add, View, And Edit Client Notes
This article and video will assist you in adding, viewing, and editing member/customer or prospect notes in ClubReady.

Requirements - A Master Admin or a staff type with the following permissions:
  • Customer Management : General - Can add client note
  • Customer Management : General - Can view client notes
  • Customer Management : General - Can edit notes they posted themselves
  • Customer Management : General - Can edit notes posted by other staff members

Client Notes

1. Viewing Notes

To access notes, you will select the client from lookup and click on All Detail > Customer Notes. Here, notes will be listed by date and time. The most recent notes will be listed first. Details of the note will appear after the date and time which include who the note was added by, along with what type of change happened (billing, booking, cancellation, etc.) 

Notes highlighted in green are system notes for items that are automatically processed by ClubReady.

You can use the Categories Filter and Date Filter to narrow down your search results. Categories include General, Fitness, Billing, Payment Profile, Scheduling, and Sales.

Notes can also be viewed from the Client Summary page by clicking on the Notes tab. 

 2. Editing Notes

Click on the Edit Pencil next to the note you want to edit. Type your edit into the note box and click Update Note.

3. Adding Notes

Select A Note Type from the first drop down menu and indicate if there Was There Any Contact Involved with the member from the second drop down menu. Type your note into the text box and click Add to save the note.

Cross Club Notes

Notes categorized as "Fitness Related" can be viewed cross-club, which adds a warning when that note type is selected so staff are aware it will be viewed outside the club. Fitness Related notes can be added through the booking details pop-up. 

1. Member's Profile 

Client account > Notes > Add Notes > Select a note Type > Fitness Related

2. Booking ID

Bookings > Day List/Grid View/Classes > Click on Booking ID > Notes

Related Articles: 
Reports - Notes Export

Frequently Asked Questions:

- Can a customer view a note on their account?
No. Club staff, with appropriate permissions, may view these internal customer notes. 

- How can I create a note category?
Note category options have been created based on most common notes in the industry. If a category does not directly match a specific category, you may use the most applicable category & contact method. Additional note details may be explained when adding your new note.

- Do Agreement notes also appear under Customer Notes?
Yes. Customer Notes include notes added under Agreement notes. In addition to note date, time & added by details - notes connected to an Agreement will have additional details, including the related Agreement ID.

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