Knowledge Base
Using S M S Agreement Signature Option
This article will guide you through the process of using SMS for Agreement Signatures

Requirements - A Master Admin or Staff Admin Type with the following permissions:
  • Writing Up New Agreements: Can write up new agreements


Writing Up A New Agreement

You will begin by writing a new agreement under Main > New Agreement.

SMS Signature Authentication

When you are in Step 2 of writing the new agreement you will have your agreement which will need to be signed in order to finalize the agreement.

Enter the client's phone and click the button Update Cell Phone Number.  If the number was already used you will receive the message "That number is already associated with somebody else".  This means the client will need to provide another number or you can associate them to the relative whom already used the number on their agreement.

Once the Customers Cell Phone Number is update click Send Pin Code Now. The customer will receive a SMS with a 4 digit pin code.

Enter the 4 digit code and click Submit. This is considered a legal signature on the agreement.

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