Knowledge Base
P I Q Admin Panel - Creating Challenges And Challenge Teams
This article will guide you through Creating Challenges and Challenge Teams. 

Requirements - A Performance IQ profile with access to the Admin Panel

Accessing And Creating Challenges 

Once you have logged into your profile, click Admin Panel.

Once you are within the Admin Panel, click Challenges. A drop down menu will then populate, allowing you to select Challenges or Challenge Teams. 

1. Challenges

After clicking the Challenges option, you will be brought to a page that will display already created Challenges. Within the display, you will be able to view the Challenge Term, Challenge Name, Challenge Type, Group Type, Challenge Goal, Leader, Email, Public Link and an option to Cancel Challenge. Additionally, you will be able to Copy the data, Export to Excel, export as a CSV or export as a PDF. To create a new Challenge, click Create a Challenge.

Once you have reached the Create a Challenge page, you will then be able to enter the Challenge Name, Date, Challenge Type, I don't want to set a goal, Challenge Goal (Mins), First to goal wins, Challenge Type, Select Included Zones and Select Participating Locations. Once these settings have been configures, you will be able to Save without emailing participants or Save and email all participants. 

2. Challenge Teams 

After clicking the Challenge Teams option, you will be brought to a page where you will be able to view already created Teams. The information displayed will include Team Name, Team Color, Number of Team Members, Team Type, Update Participant and an option to Edit or Delete the teams. Additionally, you will be able to Copy the data, export to Excel, export as a CSV or export as a PDF. To enter a new team, click Create a Team. 

After clicking Create a Team, you will then enter the Team Name and will be able to set a Team Color. Once these settings have been configured, click Save Team Settings. 

Related Articles:

PIQ - Admin Panel 
PIQ - Manage
PIQ - Stats
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