Knowledge Base
Past Due Manager Options
This article and video will guide you through your options to manage past due members/customers.

Requirements - Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:  

  • General / Misc - Can access past dues manager
  • Member Management : General - Can access client options

Past Dues Manager 

1. Locating the Past Dues Manager

To access the Past Dues Manager, go to the Members/Customers tab and select Manage Past Dues. This will open the Past Dues Lookup tool and list all members with past due amounts. 

2. Using Filters 

To access options to filter your list of members by various criteria, click on the 3 lines next to Past Dues Lookup. This will open a side menu of available filters:

Show All Late - Shows all late members regardless of status
In Past Due Status - Only shows accounts where there are invoices in late status (based on how many days are set in setup before past due invoice changes to late status)
Not in Past Due Status Yet - Only shows accounts where there are invoices that have not yet reached late status

Show All Reasons
No Payment Details - Only shows accounts where no payment details (card or bank account) are on file
Card Expired - The credit card on file has expired and needs to be updated
Decline / Insufficient Funds - The credit card has been declined or the bank ACH has been returned as NSF
Bad Bank Account - The ACH has been returned as a bad/invalid account
Chargeback - The cardholder has disputed the credit card transaction with their company

No Days Late Filter
Days Late Range - Use a preset range of days past due to narrow down your past due members.
Choose Days Range - Choose your own days past due range. 

Assigned To - Select a staff member assigned to the member. 

All Staff for Retention - Select a staff member assigned for retention to view all of their assigned members. 

 No Contact Filter  - Select an option for when the last member contact was. Contact may be a phone call, email, text message, or person to person contact. Options include No Contact Today, Past 2 Days, Past 7 Days, No Contact This Month, or No Contact Past 30 Days. 

Working With Past Due Members

When a member is selected from the past dues list their Client Summary Page will appear along with their balance owed. Click here to learn more about the Client Summary Page.

Items that may relate to Past Dues inquiries or attempts to collect include:

Notes - This tab allows you to view notes for this member and also add notes relating to the balance. How to View, Add, and Edit Notes. 
Go POS - This icon will take you to the point of sale with the member automatically selected with past due amounts in the register. Taking Payment on a Client's Account. 
Billing - This allows you to view the member's complete billing history to find out why they are past due. 
Payment Details On File - This allows you to view if the member does not have any billing information on file, or if they do, see if it was a disabled account. Update / Add Member Payment Details.  

Communicating With Past Due Members

The Past Dues Manager also allows you to send an email blast using the Email Tab, Send an SMS text blast using the Text (SMS) Tab, or send a postal mailing using the Postal Mail Tab. 

Related Articles:

Communicating With Past Due Clients - Email Blast
Communicating With Past Due Clients - Text Blast
Communicating With Past Due Clients - Postal Mail Blast
Communicating With Past Due Clients - 1 on 1

Frequently Asked Questions:

- Can I select all past due customers to run balances in bulk?
Bulk options are available for communication however, all balances may be attempted individually at POS.

- How can I edit past due balance owed?
Past due balance details may be viewed when selecting Billing icon. Each past due invoice may be edited, by selecting the edit pencil, to change balance owed.

- For customers with multiple invoices, must I attempt to process all invoices?
There are circumstances where a customer can only pay a portion of their past due balance. You may choose to remove invoices from the POS register if you do not wish to attempt at that time. Invoices will still remain past due unless edited under the customer Billing icon.
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