Knowledge Base
Booking Flags

This article will assist you with creating Booking Flags . Booking flags are used to tie standard notes or emails to specific bookings for any given service or class. Flags are basically setup as rules that are then applied to every client who books that service.  Flags can either be set as a count from the first booking or as a count from the last scheduled booking.

Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions: 

  • Club Setup: Can access setup 
  • Club Setup: Can access services setup and/or Setup: Can access classes / group setup.

Access The Booking Flags Setup

To access the Booking Flags setup, go to; Setup > Scheduling > Services or Classes/Group. From here you are going to the Service or the Class that you would like to add or edit the Booking flag for by clicking the edit pencil next to the Service or Class in question.

Create A Booking Flag

Once you are in the service or class, select the Booking Flags tab. From here, you can manage the following settings:

Name of New Booking Flag -  Enter the name of the booking flag 
Number of Classes -  Choose how many Services or Class bookings Counting From Start or are Remaining
Reminder Flag (always visable to admins) - which will show on the schedule to providers. After you select this option you will be able to enter what text you would like to show up on the screen.
Reminder Flag appears on schedule visible to providers
Reminder Flag appears on schedule visible to customers 

Email Customer - There is also an option to Email the customer when the booking is logged as completed. If you choose to email the customer this section will expand so you may enter the Email Subject and Email message text.

Existing Booking Flag Rules 

To edit an existing booking flag, click the edit pencil next to the booking flag name. 

Viewing Booking Flags on Schedule 

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