article will assist you in setting up a new prospect type or lead type. Lead Types are used for Prospect
Automation and help filter Prospects for email blasts.
Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
- Setup: Can access setup
- Setup: Can access lead types setup
Creating a Lead / Prospect Type

To create a new prospect type, go to;
Setup > Leads > Lead Types > Add A New Lead Type.Lead Type Name - Enter the name of the Prospect Type. Examples: Unscheduled Lead, 30 Day Old Lead, Web Lead
Is a membership prospect type? - For Prospects who are not members yet this will be Yes. (this for Membership Clubs only)
Can be selected when adding a new prospect - Check if you want the Prospect Type to be available for selection when staff are adding a new Prospect. You may want to create Prospect Types that are only used by enabling rules for Prospect Automation. To find out how Prospect Automation works, click here.
Default sales Script - If you have created Sales Scripts for staff to use when working a Prospect, choose a default script. To learn how to create Sales Scripts, click here.
Issue a free package - Decide to allow a free
package to be given which can be used to issue free consult session credits to people with this Prospect Type.Provide new lead a system login - Choose if you would
like to provide the prospect a system login to give access to the ClubReady Customer Portal.
Email sent to new lead - you may chose to use the default new prospect email or select a custom email.
Click Create The New Prospect Type
Set A Default Prospect Type

Optional setting that will ensure that no prospect is ever added to the system without a prospect type assigned. This will be the default selected when adding a new prospect and also will be the default when adding a prospect over the web via the add prospect API if no prospect type is defined.
Existing Prospect Types

Prospect Types already added to the site will be listed here. You may edit existing Prospect Types by clicking the edit pencil next to the type. To remove a Prospect Type click on the
x to the far right on the type (this cannot be undone).