Knowledge Base
Manually Adjust An Invoice Due Date
This article will explain how to adjust an existing invoice's due date.

A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
  • Customer Management : General: Can access client options                                     
  • Customer Management : Payments Related: Can view client billing information     
  • Customer Management : Payments Related: Can edit unpaid client invoices

Accessing The Account

Locate the customer by searching for them under the Prospects or Customers/Members tab. Click on the customer's name. Select the BILLING icon. You can also go to All Detail > Billing > Invoices/Payments/Refunds/Transaction Ledger. 

Adjusting Invoice Due Date

Locate the invoice and click on the edit pencil. Choose Adjust The Invoice Details. Then select Changes Due Date - Yes. This will allow you to type in or select from the calendar a new due date for this invoice. When you are done changing the due date click on the Update button.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I adjust the invoice due date to a different date than the original date, and It is charged. Will the system keep that date going forward? 

  • This depends! If you change the due date to be the last due date. For Example: If you Adjust the due date and they are no other invoices after the adjusted invoice. That due date becomes the new due date. 

Can you change the due date to the past? 

  • Yes, you can adjust the due date to be in the past. Keep in mind, this will make the invoice past due. 


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