This article and video will guide you through manually adding an invoice to a customer's account.
Requirements - A
Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
- Member Management - Can access client options
- Member Management: Payments Related - Can access client billing information
- Member Management: Payments Related - Can add new member invoices
Manually Adding A New Invoice
Step 1 - Accessing The Client's Payment History

To add an invoice, search and select the desired client. From the summary screen, click the Billing button to access the invoices screen.
Step 2 - Adding A New Invoice

Once you are on the Invoices and Payments screen, click the
Add A New Invoice button. This will open a box with all of the options for your new invoice.
Step 3 - Complete New Invoice Screen

Tie to An Agreement - If this new invoice will part of a new agreement, you can tie to the agreement here. This way, if the agreement is ever canceled or frozen the action will be taken against this invoice also.
Select A Sales Package or Fee Type - You will select the package or fee type here. Package type invoices will act as a package intends, meaning, service package invoices may drop session credits and membership package invoices may impact membership expiration.
Enter Invoice Description - This description will show in the invoice list and in your reports.
Enter Invoice Amount - This is the amount that is due and may include tax.
Enter Payment Due Date - this is that date that the invoice is considered due.
Enter An Optional Note - You may post optional notes for staff review purposes when creating your new invoice.
Create New Invoice - When you are ready to add your new invoice click this button.
Step 4 - Verifying New Invoice

Verify the invoice you created is accurate. Adjustments can be made by using the edit pencil next to the invoice.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can you add an invoice for a previous date? Yes.You can set an invoice to be due in the past. Keep in mind, this will make the invoice past due.