This article will guide you through adding a vendor
for products
Requirements - A Master Admin or staff admin type with the following permissions:
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access vendors setup
Entering A Vendor's Name

To access the vendor screen navigate to Setup > Products > Vendors. Type in the
name of your vendor and click the Add The New Vendor button.
Entering Vendor's Information

As soon as you select the Add The New Vendor button it will take you to the detail screen for the new vendor. From this screen you can enter in
the information about the vendor and any
products tied to this vendor. You can add
vendor notes, a note will be recorded any time you update any information in
this screen. When
finished click the Update button to save your changes.
How To Modify Vendor After Entry

Once you have clicked the Update button you will be taken back to the initial Vendors screen. All vendors will appear in this section. If you want to edit a vendor click on the vendor link you want to adjust. If you want to delete a vendor
click the red x to the right.