This article will guide you through adjusting your
inventory through reports.
Requirements - A Master Admin or Staff Admin Type
with the following permissions:
- Reporting: Can access reports (must be enabled to
see any reports)
- Reporting: Can Access Products: Inventory
- Reporting: Can access products: bulk inventory adjust
Accessing Current Inventory

To access this screen, go to; Setup > Products > Current Inventory.
Search Box - If you want to search by name enter the product into the search box.
Filter By Product Category - You can select a specific category and see all products that are associated with it.
Don't Show Products That Have Never Been Sold And Have No Stock Level - This will filter the product list to hide these type of products.
Only Show Out Of Stock - This will filter the products list to show only products out of stock.
Show Products Image - If you would rather see product images instead of text click this option.
Export - This will allow you to export an excel of your products, which is used for the Bulk Adjusting Tool.
Products - Products will appear here with their stock level. To edit the stock level click on the name of
the product.
Adjust Inventory On A Single Product
Click the name of the product you want to adjust. Then select the Adjustments tab.
Select Adjustment Type - Use this drop down to select the type of adjustment you would like to make:
- Correction - Increase Inventory - Use to Increase Inventory Levels.
- Correction - Decrease Inventory - Use to Decrease Inventory Levels.
- Damage Inventory Reduction - Used to Decrease Inventory levels and mark the adjustment as Damaged / Loss Inventory.
Optional Note - You can
place a note if desired (optional)
Inventory Amount - Enter the amount of the adjustment to be made.
Make The Adjustment - Click to save adjustment.
Adjusting Inventory Levels In Bulk Using Inventory Export
To access this screen click on
Tools > Products > Bulk Inventory Adjust. You will need the
Current inventory Export. 
The Excel Export will have three options for Adjustments for each product listed:
- SetInventoryTo - This will allow to set the Product to a specific Inventory level.
- IncreaseInventoryBy - This will Increase the Product level by this amount.
- DecreaseInventoryBy - This will Decrease the Product level by this amount.
Once you have adjusted the fields in the Inventory Excel Report, Save the file as a
.CSV file on your Computer.
Choose FIle - You will want to select this option and locate the saved .CSV file on your computer.
Upload CSV File - Click to upload the file to your ClubReady site. After you click upload your file will be examined. No adjustments are made until you confirm on the next page.