Knowledge Base
Tools: Bulk Upload Invoices
This article will guide you through bulk modification to clients sessions or credits using our Bulk Session Credit Upload feature.

RequirementsA Master Admin or Staff Type with the following permissions: 
  • Tools: Can access tools 
  • Tools: Can access credits tools

Getting A Prospect Or Customer / Member Export


Under the Prospect or Customer/member tab use filters to narrow clients down to the desired list. Click the excel export icon. The excel spreadsheet contains a lot of information about your clients. Copy the UserID of the clients you will be adding invoices to. 

 Note:  You could copy the clients Barcode information from this spreadsheet if you wish to use it instead of the UserID

Accessing The Bulk Invoice Upload Screen


To access the Bulk Invoice Upload screen you will need to click Setup > Misc. Setup > Invoice Uploads. To open the Bulk Session Upload spreadsheet click on the link.

Invoice Entry Into Upload Spreadsheet

When you open the spreadsheet you will see 14 columns, these have been split into two rows in the image below. The first three columns ( a to b) will target the customers you wish to add sessions to.  You will only use one of these columns

column a "userid" - This is where you can upload credits by clients customer id.  If you use this column do not enter anything for barcode or convertedid.  This is where you would enter the userid.

column b "barcode" - This is where you can upload credits by client barcode number.  If you use client barcodes do not enter anything into userid or convertedid.  You can enter the Barcodes for clients. 

column c "convertedid" - This is where you can upload credits by the clients converted id.  This is only an option if you converted from another club management system to ClubReady.  If you use this option do not enter anything into userid or barcode

The next  two columns (d to e) will be where you enter either the session or class id number.  You can only use one of these columns at a time.  If you wish to add sessions and classes you will end up entering the client's id, barcode or converted id more than once.

column d "duedate" - This is the due date you want your invoice to become due.  It can be set in the past of the future.  Skipping this field will just create the invoice without a due date.

column e "paiddate" - If this is entered then the invoice will be conisdered paid and a payment record will also be created.  This date cannot be in the future and the date can also not be older than 36 months in the past.

column f - "paidhow" - This field is only relevant if the paiddate field is populated.  Here are the only numric values allowed in that field:


     1 = creditcard (credit card external to clubready)

     2 = Bank (check or ach external to clubready)

     3 = Cash


column g - "amount" - This field is required.  Enter the financial amount for the invoice.

column h - "packagename" - Enter the exact name of the existing sales package in your system.  If there is not package then skip to description

column i - "description" - If you do not have an existing sales package then you can enter a description.  This field will be ignored if a packagename is entered.

column j - "salestaxscheduleid" - When you enter in a packagename this field will be ignored.  If you need to add tax you can get the id number looking at the sales tax screen under setup, sales, sales taxes.

column k - "nodraft" - This field is only valid if the invoice is not paid.  If you enter a "1" then the system will not automatically attempt to draft this invoice however it can be ran at the POS terminal.

column l - "feetype" - This allows you to classify the invoice as a fee.  This will be ingored if the packagename field has informaiton entered in.  Here are the values for this field

     1 = Enhancement Fee

     2 = Misc. Fee

 column m - "collections" - This will mark the invoice as being in collections if you enter a value of "1"

 column n - "note" - You can enter any note (up to 255 charaters) that relates to this specific invoice.


Invoice examples in image by spreadsheet row:

speadsheet row 2 - This is an example of entering an paid invoice for a sales package that does not exist.

spreadsheet row 3 and 5 - Is an example of entering an invoice for two clients where there is a sales package in the system  which will draft when it becomes due.

spreadsheet row 4 and 6  - Is an example of entering a setup fee for two clients which are paid by external credit card

spreadsheet row 7 - This is an example of an invoice flagged for collections with

After you enter and double check all of this information click file and save as in your spreadsheet program and save the file as a comma separated value (.csv).  The upload process does not understand an .xls (excel format).

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