Knowledge Base
Taking Payment On A Past Due Client
This article will guide you through processing client past due invoices through Point Of Sale (POS)

RequirementsA Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:

  • Point Of Sale (POS) - Can access POS terminals
  • Option Automatically Pull In Client Invoices To Register set to Yes in each POS terminals.

Taking Payment On A Past Due Client

Accessing The POS Terminal


To access the POS click on Main > POS. This will list the POS terminal options, select the one terminal that you wish to use the process the client payment. Click on the link labeled Click To Lookup A Person.

Selecting The Desired Client

After clicking the link a search option allows to locate the client. Search and select the desired client.

Processing Client Invoices

After selecting the client you will see their unpaid invoices appear. To remove or update any payments click on the payment itself and make the desired changes and click update. To remove just click the remove button. If you make several changes and then decide that they are not correct click the Reset All button to undo everything. When all payments are correct click the CHECKOUT button to continue.

Assigning a Sales Person And Taking Payment

Clicking the CHECKOUT button will advance you the checkout screen. Select the employee you wish to assign the sale to. Select and enter your desired payment method(s).

Complete the Sale

Once you have entered the sales person and selected the payment method(s) you are ready to complete the sale. Click COMPLETE THIS SALE button to finish processing the payment. 
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