This article will guide you through adding staff
emails to corporate report distribution list.
Requirements - A Master Corporate login or corporate staff type with the following permissions:
- Corporate - General: Can access corporate setup
The reports that are available at the
corporate level reports are:
- Daily Operation Summary By Location - This
report displays operational statistics broken out by each district.
- Daily Marketing & Gross Projections By
Location - This reports displays a summary of club marking and gross sales
performance by each district.
- Daily Production Report - This report
will show all agreements sold, clients booked and income for the prior day.
- Agreement Amenity Report - This report will show all agreements sold by amenity included.
- Invoice Change Report - This report will show a daily invoice change summary.
Accessing The Corporate Reports Distribution List

To access this screen login to your corporate site, click Setup > Communications > Internal Reports. Locate the
report you want to add staff emails to and click the Manage The Distribution List button.
Adding Email Address To All A Single Of All Districts

After you select the Manage The Distribution List button it will open the desired report. If you want
an email to receive all district reports enter the email at the top and click
the Add A New Email button. The email address you entered will appear in the list above. To enter an
email for a specific district click on the district which will make the enter
email box appear. Enter the email
address and then click the button Add A New Email For This District which will add that staff member to receive an email for just that district.