Knowledge Base
Widget - My Timeclock Hours
This article will guide you through adding the My Worked Hours dashboard widget.

Requirements - A Master Admin or staff type with the following permissions:

  • General / Misc - Can unlock their dashboard
  • General / Misc - Can minimize & maximize dashboard widgets

Viewing The My Worked Hours Widget


You are Currently Clocked - The widget will show your current clock-in status (In or Out)
Today - Will display how many hours you have worked today and let you know how much time is left before you need to clock out.
This Week -  Display how many hours you have worked this week based on the start day of the week set under Setup > Staff > Staff Time Clock. Also will show the amount of hours left, if your staff type has a weekly maximum of hours defined in Setup > Staff > Staff and Permissions

Related Articles: 

Manage Your Dashboard
Complete Widget Directory

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