Knowledge Base
Grant Employee Access To Manage Their Dashboard
By default staff will not have permission to modify their dashboard. This article will guide you through adjusting staff type permissions to allow this. 

Requirements - A Master Admin or staff type with the following permissions:

  • Club Setup: Can access setup
  • Club Setup: Can access staff & permissions setup 

Select Staff Type


To access this screen click on Setup > Staff > Staff & Permissions. Locate the staff type you want to modify and click the edit pencil.

Staff Type Permission Tab

Clicking the edit pencil will open up the general tab for the staff type you selected. To continue click the Permissions tab. The General / Misc category will contain permissions relating to staff access to their dashboard. These permissions include Can unlock their dashboard, Can add and delete dashboards, Can minimize & maximize dashboard widgets, and Can change dashboard widget color settings. 

NOTE:  The permission change will not take effect for anyone with this staff type until they log out and back into ClubReady.

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