Knowledge Base
Add Widgets And Manage The Dashboard Per Staff Type
By default staff types (excluding master admins) will not have permission to modify their dashboard. This article will guide you through adding and managing dashboard widgets for each staff type.


Requirements - A Master Admin or staff type with the following permissions: 

  • Club Setup: Can access setup 
  • Club Setup: Can access staff & permissions setup

Accessing Staff Types


To access this screen click on the Setup > Staff > Staff & Permissions Locate the staff type you want to modify and click the edit pencil.

Adding Widgets To The Dashboard


Click the Standard Dashboard tab. Select whether you would like the default dashboard to be the Standard Dashboard or the Lead Dashboard. 

To make widgets available for staff to add them to their dashboard select them from the left column and click the button Add To Availible List >.

To make widgets unavailable for staff click on them in the right column and click the button < Removed From Available List.

To add widgets to a staff type's dashboard, select the desired widget and then click the button Add To Dashboard Template Below.

Dashboard Layout


Once you have added widgets to your staff type's dashboard, scroll down to the Dashboard Layout section. You can move the widget up and down a column or into a new column by placing the mouse cursor and then pressing and holding the left mouse button as you move the widget. Delete any widgets by clicking on the red x. Once you have arranged all of the desired widgets onto the dashboard layout click on Save Dash Layout. 

If you want all existing employees with this staff type to have the new widgets and layout click the button Update All Existing Fitness Manager Admins To This Dashboard Default.  This will override their existing dashboard. The employee will have to log out and log back in to see the new dashboard layout.

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