Knowledge Base
Access The Corporate Scorecard Report
This article will guide you through accessing the Corporate Scorecard Report.

RequirementsA Corporate staff account with the following permissions:
  • Corporate - Reporting - Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports) 
  • Corporate - Reporting - Can Access Metrics: Corporate Scorecard

NOTE: This report can only be accessed from a corporate/chain site.  This is not available at the club level.

Access Corporate Scorecard Report

To access this report click on the Reports > Intelligence > Corporate Scorecard. Select the desired month and year and click the button Show Scorecard Scores And Grades For Selected Month to generate a report.

Understanding The Scorecard Report

After the report generates all of the clubs with their grade icons will appear. Click the scorecard grade for the club to see detailed metric information.

Viewing The Metric Detail

Below is an example of the detailed metric scorecard including the numeric range for each grade.

  Grade ranges will be monitary or a percentage depending on the metric.

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