Knowledge Base
Scorecard Metrics

Definition of Scorecard Metrics

All calculations are based on the current month and do not include sales tax for options that total the value of sales.
The options that contain "vs the avg. for all clubs" is the definition listed for that option minus the average for all clubs across the chain.

Total Gross - All non-voided paid invoices
Total Invoice Sales - Total price/value of all non-cancelled agreements sold 
New Prospects Added - All non-bulk uploaded club users added 
New Members - All club users who have a Member Since date within the month
New Customers - All club users who have a Customer since date within the month (date appears to be very first time customer purchases any PT) - only calculated for PT clubs
Cancellations - All club members whose membership ended during the month (Membership club) OR All agreements cancelled during the month (PT club)
Membership Close Rate Percent - Members Added/Prospects Added
Customer Close Rate Percent - Customers Added/Prospects Added
Gross Per Active Client - totalgross / totalclients
Product Gross Sales - All non-voided paid invoices tied to a product and not in collections. 
Product Sales Per Active Client - productsgross / totalclients
Cancellation % - cancellations / total clients
% of Members Active PT - clients with PT / total clients
Gross Down - All non-voided paid invoices marked as downpayments
Gross Draft - All non-voided paid invoices NOT marked as downpayments
Collections - All non-voided paid invoices marked as collections (includes return and late fee invoices). Collections status is determined per an individual club's setup. For steps on viewing, editing or setup for this setting, click here.
Gross Change Percent - Comparison of current period's gross to previous period's gross [(totalgross-prevgross)/prevgross]

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