This article provides a description on how the Sales Process widget works.Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type that has permissions to add/view this widget to their dashboard.
Description Of The Sales Process Widget
Employee Filter - Defaults to Whole Club, but can be used to filter the data by a specific employee.
Sale-Type Filter - (only for membership clubs) Allows filtering by Membership Sales, Services Sales, or both.
Time-Range Filter - Can be toggled between Today and Period. Period will either be 1 month or 2 weeks, per the Club Standard Reporting Period setting
Setup > General > General Settings.
Consults Scheduled - This is a count of consult bookings made BY employees, filtered by the date the booking was made.
Consults Scheduled "Detail" button - This only shows when the Employee Filter is set to Whole Club. It will bring up a breakdown of each employee with how many consult bookings they made during the time frame.
Consults Expected - This is the number of consult bookings made FOR employees, filtered by the date of the booking.
Consults Showed (total and percentage) - This is the number of prospects that showed up to their consults during the time frame, and the percentage based off Appointments Expected.
Deals Closed By Consults Only (total and percentage) - This is the number of prospects that showed up to their scheduled consult with the employee during the given time frame, AND bought an agreement from that same employee during the same time frame.
Deals Closed NOT By Consults - This is the number of agreements sold by the employee(s) during the time frame that did not result from a consult.
New Members Buying Services - (only for membership clubs) This is the number of service (PT) agreements sold by the employee(s) during the time frame. (PLEASE NOTE - even though the widget says New Members, this doesn't distinguish between new or old, prospect or member...
New Members Buying Products - (only for membership clubs) This is the number of membership agreements sold by the employee(s) during the time frame. (PLEASE NOTE - even though the widget says New Members, this doesn't distinguish between new or old, prospect or member...
Avg Deal Invoice $ (Overall) - This is the overall average price of all agreements sold be the employee(s) during the time frame.