This article and video will guide you through creating, using, and editing community discussion forums. A discussion forum allows your staff and/or your clients to post about topics, ask questions, and provide feedback. Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
- Club Setup - Can access setup
- Club Setup - Can access discussion categories setup
- General / Misc - Can access community discussion
- General / Misc - Can edit / delete discussion forum posts
Creating And Using Discussion Forums
1. Create a Discussion Category

Navigate to;
Setup > Communication > Discussion Categories. Now you are going to add the name of your
Discussion Category. From here, you can also choose if the
Customers Can View/Participate in this Forum. The next options will allow the
Trainers Can View/Participate in this Forum.
Discussion Categories will be listed on the bottom of the page. Use the edit pencil to change the Category name and/or description. The option to Disable it (or enable), and to change who can view this forum.2. Using the Discussion Forum
Accessing The Discussion Forum As a Staff MemberTo access and participate in the Discussion forum as a staff member, go to;
Main > Discussion Forums. To participate in a discussion, click on a current post. To begin a new post, click on
Add New Discussion you will be able to add a new subject to your Discussion. Staff can also use the
Recent Discussions Widget. Accessing The Discussion Forum As a Club MemberTo access and participate in the Discussion forum as a club member, log into the Wellness Portal and go to;
Discuss > Community Discussion. To participate in a discussion, click on a current post. To begin a new post, click on
Add New Discussion you will be able to add a new subject to your Discussion.