Knowledge Base
Complete Guide To Brivo
This is a overview of how Brivo and ClubReady work together for 24 Hour Door Access

How Brivo Works

Brivo is a company that will allow ClubReady to communicate with your security system. ClubReady is not able to directly grant clients access to a door.  Door access is typically controlled by a security company using a security access control panel located at the club which allows or denies clients access when they swipe a card.  Brivo acts as a middle-man which allows us to add, grant, or revoke clients access by updating the Security Access Panel at the club without ClubReady needing to know anything about the security system or hardware.  Brivo receives updates from the security panel and alerts us when a client is granted access so we can check them into your Club which records their attendance.

Brivo Basics:

  • Each Brivo install is unique to each club / corporation.  The type of door access, how clients are granted access, Individual or Multiple club access, Specific doors based on amenities etc. This is all configured during the install process.
  • After Brivo is setup the Club will manage all members and door access cards through ClubReady.  
  • Door access Key cards have to be entered in through the Door Access Area in Clubready.
  • Each member's access is based of groups setup in the Clubs Brivo site.
  • ClubReady will automatically revoke access if the client goes past due or their membership expires in ClubReady.
  • Please do not make any member or card adjustments in Brivo On Air as this will break the sync from ClubReady to Brivo. All Adjustments need to be done via ClubReady and then ClubReady will sync with Brivo. 
  • ClubReady will work with your Club and Brivo during the install process. If you decide to have door access setup for you club please inform us in advance through

Brivo Sales Contact Information

Brivo Systems, LLC
Sales: 866.692.7486

Related Articles:

Brivo Door Access Integration 
Brivo - Door Access Setup
Brivo - How To Add Card To Member Account
Brivo - User Account Options
Brivo - How To Delete Card From A Member 

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