This article will
explain how to run the Attendance report for prospect or member/customer check in history.
Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
- Reporting: Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Reporting: Can access clients: attendance
Generate Attendance Report
You are going to go to
Reports > Members > Attendance. At the top of the page you will have the option to view by
Charts or view by

Charts tab will give you the option to choose a specific date range by clicking on the calendars or use the Preset Date Ranges available to the right of the calendars. There are several filters available for you to use. These will allow you to filter your results to be more specific to a certain group of people. You will be able to choose to filter by
Age Range, specific
Day Of Week, only customers with a particular
Membership/Customer Type, and/or a
Prospect Type.
You could also create your own Custom Categories or Custom Text Field to further filter the attendance report. To learn more on how to create custom text fields, click here.
After you click Run Report you will see a few graphs appear on the web page.

These graphs will show
Total Attendance Numbers by Day, Day of Week, Time of Day, by Age and
by Gender. To export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export:
CSV (comma delimited),
PDF, or

The Detail tab will give you the option to choose a specific date range by clicking on the calendars or use the Preset Date Ranges available to the right of the calendars. There are several filters available for you to use. These will allow you to filter your results to be more specific to a certain group of people. You will be able to choose to filter by Gender, Age Range, specific Day Of Week, only customers with a particular Membership/Customer Type, and/or a Prospect Type.
After you click Run Report you will see a spreadsheet appear on the web page. The spreadsheet will show UserID, First Name, Last Name, Allowed Count (their access was accepted), Denied Count, Total Count, Gender, DOB, Membership Type, Prospect Type, Email, Phone, Cell Phone, Responsible Person Last Name, Responsible Person First Name (if the customer is an associated to a primary member), and any custom field you may have. This export will show every member and every individual check in during that time frame.

To export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export: CSV (comma delimited), PDF, or Excel.
The Excel or PDF file will open with options such as Club Name, UserID, First Name, Last Name, Allowed Count (count of times access was accepted), Denied Count (count of times access was denied), Total Count (sum of checkins during the date range), Gender, DOB, Membership Type, Prospect Type, Responsible member name, and any custom field you may have. This export will make just one entry for every member that checks in during that time frame.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why might a client show under the Denied Count column?
If a client has been denied access to a class they will show under the
Denied Count column. Reasons for this include: being past due, membership has expired, or not having any available credits/required amenity for the class.