Knowledge Base
Creating A POS Terminal
This is an article that will help you create a POS terminal, Simple and Full. 

Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
  • Setup: can access setup
  • Setup: can access POS terminals setup

Create A New Point of Sale Terminal

1. Navigate To POS Terminal Setup

To begin setting up your POS Terminal go to Setup > Sales > POS Terminals

2. Create A New Point Of Sale Terminal

Here you will be able to name your terminal. Select the type of currency used for your location. Choose if this is a Full, or a Simple terminal. You will also have the option to clone the settings of a terminal that is already in use or that has already been created. Click Create New POS Terminal.

To learn more about the differences between a Full and a Simple POS Terminal, click here

Setup Your POS Options

1. Update POS Settings

Here you will have the chance to set up all of the options in your point of sale.

POS Terminal Name - This is where you will be able to rename your terminal.
POS Disabled - This is where you will be able to enable or disable a POS
Automatically Pull In Client Invoices To Register - You may turn this on so when you put in a customer name at POS it will pull in any past or currently due invoices for the customer.
Sale 'Assigned To' Must Be Selected - This means that all transaction on this terminal will require a staff name.
Require PIN Code For POS - If Yes, a staff member will be required to enter in their PIN code when they either access the terminal, or enter it in for every transaction.
Can Discount Products At This POS - This option will allow or not allow discounts on products. If Yes is selected you may choose the max allowed discount.
Can Discount Existing Invoices At This POS - This option will allow or not allow discounts on existing invoices. These are past due, current, or future invoices that can be pulled into the register.
Default Minimum Drawer Open Level - If Yes, set in the minimum amount of cash that should be in the drawer when opened. If the amount of cash in the drawer is below this minimum, a warning will appear to show that the actual cash in the drawer is below this level set. 
Must Add Note For Any Price Changes - Any price changes will require a note.
Can Add Credit On Account - If selected this will allow the POS to add credit on account payments. Credit on accounts are added if a customer overpays for their transaction.

Default Receipt Method - This will allow you to change the method of receipts. You may have the default set to print, email, both, or no receipt. You will be able to choose a different method of receipt during check-out if you would like.
Receipt Printer - Select a receipt printer if desired. If attaching a cash drawer you MUST have a Star TSP-100 receipt printer. 
Receipt Header Text - This will be the text at the top of the Receipt. 
Receipt Footer Text - This will be the text at the bottom of the Receipt. 

Receipt Language: (Full Terminals Only) - 
Select the language you want to display in the receipt. 
Show Add New Prospect: (Full Terminals Only) - 
At the top of the POS there is a button to "Add Customer" where you can enter in new prospect information.
Register Sound Effects (beeps): (Full Terminals Only) - The POS will play register beeps when clicking on certain items. 
Barcode Scanner: (Full Terminals Only) - Enable a barcode scanner to ring up products. 
Signature Capture Method: (Full Terminals Only) - If a signature is required, this is the method to capture the signature (No Signatures, Topaz Signature Pad, or On Screen Signature). 
Require Signatures: (Full Terminals Only) - If Yes, set a minimum amount to require a signature, or enter in "0" for always require a signature.
Auto Email Close Out Totals To: (Full Terminals Only) - Enter in an email address(es) which you would like to receive a copy of the register close out totals.
Member 'Assigned To' Must Be Selected - If Yes, a member must be selected in order to complete a sale.
Minimum Amount Required To Print A Receipt - The amount needed in order to print a receipt, entered in cents. 

POS Payment Methods Enabled -
 The last part of the setup is to select what payment options you would like to accept. Choose Yes or No for every option:
Credit Cards Through ClubReady - Yes/No
Electronic Check Through ClubReady - Yes/No
Card External To ClubReady - Yes/No
Written Check - Yes/No
Cash - Yes/No

Close Time: 
If a close time is entered, a reminder will appear in the POS that the terminal should be closed. Click on "Got It" in the upper right corner of the screen to remove the reminder. 

When you are finished making changes, Click To Update POS Terminal Settings.

2. Add POS Quick Pad Shortcuts

Add A Sales Package To The Point Of Sale Shortcut Pad
POS Shortcut Cloning Tool
Add Products To The Point Of Sale Shortcut Pad

3. Add POS Users (only in full pos)

Assign Staff To The Full POS

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