Knowledge Base
How To Enable A Sales Package For Online Sales
This article and video will walk you through enabling your sales packages for online sales.

Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
  • Club Setup - Can access setup
  • Club Setup - Can access sales package setup

Enable A Sales Package For Online Sales

1. Locate the Sales Package

Navigate to Setup > Sales > Sales Packages. Find the sales package and click on its name. Then click on the Installments tab. 

2. Turn On Online Sales

Find which installment option you'd like to offer for online sale. At the bottom of the installment, you will see Online Signup Enabled: NO. Click the edit pencil to the right. 

3. Configure Online Options

The Online Signup Link will list first. This is the URL that will bring someone to the online signup page for this sales package installment option. Complete the options in this section. Required fields are indicated with a red 'req' icon. 

Online Signup Enabled For This Installment Plan - Choose ON/OFF to enable this installment option for online sales. 
Redirect To If Not Available - Type in the URL of the page you want to redirect someone to in case they click this link and the online sales package is no longer available. 
Online Package Display Name - This will be the name of the package on the sales page.
Describe the Plan - List all features and benefits of the plan in a way that's easy to understand. 
Describe Plan Cancellation Policy - State this sales package's cancellation policy in a way that's easy to understand. 
Use Online Purchase Pages Skin - Select a custom online sales skin, or keep it on the default. Use the create skins link to be brought to the skin setup page. 
Contract Template For Online Terms - Choose a contract template from the drop down menu. This is the contract of terms your new client is agreeing to. 
Success Page URL - This is the page your new client will be brought to after they purchase this sales package. 
Allow Pay Later Online Signups - If you want to allow your client to sign up online but pay later, click this box. 
Allow Bank ACH Online Signups - If you want to allow your clients to sign up online using a bank account, click this box. 
Email To Use After Successful Signup - Use the default email template or select a custom email template for a new client to receive after a successful signup. 
Assign A Free Package To New Users - If you want to issue a free package to new users, choose a free sales package from the drop down menu. 
Send An Internal Email - After a successful signup, an email can be sent to the address in this box. 

When you are done making changes click on Update Online Options For This Installment Plan. 

4. Verifying and Testing the Online Sales Package

After turning the sales package ON for online sale, you will now see a green dot indicating that Online Signup Enabled, along with the link to the online sales package signup page. 

Click or copy and paste the link into a web browser. The online sales package will appear so you can preview it. Use the link on your website, email blast, or social media. 

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