System emails are the type of emails that ClubReady sends (mostly automatically) as part of the day to day operation of a club. Description of System Emails Available Default Resubmitted Lead Email - sent when a prospect has been resubmitted. Family & Friends Referrals - sent to friends / family when they are referred by one of your existing customers. The person is added as a new prospect. Default Prospect Automation Emails - default when prospect rules send an email - the default should ideally contain a [content] tag so email text from the rule can be inserted (although that is not a requirement) - Each rule that sends an email can use its own email template and from address settings. Ad-hoc Single Email Send - used when sending a single email (not an email blast). Default Prospect Email Blasts - the template used when sending email blasts to prospects - actual email content is inserted into the mail via [content] tag. Other templates can be used depending on staff permission settings. Send An Email Blast Default Member Email Blasts - the template used when sending email blasts to members/customers - actual email content is inserted into the mail via [content] tag. Other templates can be used depending on staff permission settings. Send An Email Blast Default Past Due Email Blasts - the template used when sending email blasts to past due members/customers from the Manage Past Due Members/Customers tab - actual email content is inserted into the mail via [content] tag. Other templates can be used depending on staff permission settings. Past Due Manager Options New Service Booking Scheduled Email - sent when a new service (eg personal training, 1-on-1 sales consult etc) booking is made (or any booking is rescheduled). New Class Booking Scheduled Email - sent when a new class booking is made (note - for reschedules the services new booking email is used). Booking Cancellation Email - sent when a service or class booking is cancelled. Class Cancellation Email - sent to all class attendees when a class is cancelled by the club. Note - This is not the email used when a class booking is cancelled - all booking cancellations use the Booking Cancellation email type. Booking Flags Emails - used for booking flags rules - the default should ideally contain a [content] tag. Each booking flag email can also use it's own unique email template if required. Booking Flags Booking Logged Emails - sent when a client service or class booking is logged. Draft Payment Receipt Email - receipt sent when a drafted charge is successful (if setup is set to send draft emails). Point of Sale (POS) Receipts - an optional method of giving customers their sale receipts at the POS - instead of or as well as printed receipts. You may allow this option at POS by reviewing the article on Creating A POS Terminal. Draft Decline Notification Email - email notification sent when a drafted charge declines (if setup is set to send draft emails). Refund Notification Email - email sent to notify a customer about a refund New Agreement Email - used when a new agreement is written up - depending on General Sales Settings this may also include the actual agreement PDF. Any attachments set below are in addition to the agreement attachment if that is selected in general email settings. It is also possible to blind copy any club staff on these emails - to setup this internal distribution go to Club Staff Email Distribution Lists. Default Online Agreement Signup Email - when a new agreement is purchased online. It is similar to the new agreement email. Note: each online signup setup can also use its own unique email settings that over-ride this default. How To Enable Your Online Package For Online Sales Agreement Cancelled Email - sent when an agreement is cancelled. Agreement Freeze Email - sent when an agreement is frozen. Agreement Change Email - sent when a change is made to an agreement. Lost Password/ Login Details - sent for a lost password request and for when login details are sent. Email A Client Their Username And Password Weekly Newsletter/ Update Email - the weekly update email sent out every week (per weekly email settings). Activate Member Weekly Emails Re-Send Login Details - used to send full login details to a user, including username and password. Communication Preferences Email - automatically sent to new users, prompting them to update their Email and SMS communication preferences. |