This article will show you how to customize your dashboard by adding and deleting widgets, arranging your dashboard, adding dashboard tabs, and using custom widget header colors.
Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type that has the following permissions:
- General / Misc: Can unlock their dashboard
- General / Misc: Can add and delete dashboards
- General / Misc: Can change dashboard widget color settings
Unlock Your Dashboard

To manage your dashboard go to
Main > Dashboard. Click the
unlock button located on the top right of the dashboard.
Adding Widgets

Once you select the manage button you will now be able to choose the widgets that you would like to have on your dashboard. The Available Dashboard Widgets list will provide a brief description of what each widget shows. Click the
Add button next to the widgets you want. When you are finished click on
Save Changes. Arrange Your Dashboard

You will be able to rearrange your dashboard by clicking on the
Drag to Position and dragging on the widgets that you have added. There is a left side, a middle, and a right side. You can arrange them in any order you like. When you are finished click on
Save Changes. Delete Widgets

To delete any current widget showing on your dashboard, click on the red circle showing on the top right corner of the widget you want to remove. When you are finished click on
Save Changes.
Adding A New Dashboard Tab

On the top of the Dashboard Layout section you have the option to
add new dashboard tab.

Give your dashboard a name and select an optional dashboard template. You can also choose to
Use colored category headers on widgets, or S
elect this dashboard after it is created. Then click on
Create New Empty Dashboard. You will now have a blank dashboard to begin adding widgets.
Using Custom Widget Header Colors

Click on the checkbox next to
Use Colored Widget Headers, then click on
configure widget header colors. This will bring you to
Setup > General > Branding > Dashboard Colors. .jpg)
This section will list the
Widget Category Type, Header Background Color, Header Text Color, and an option to
reset all or reset to default. Clicking on each header background or text color will allow you to type in a color code or select a custom color from the color chart. When you are finished, click on
Update to save your changes.