Knowledge Base
Widget - Unread Sms
This article will guide you through how to use the Unread Incoming SMS Messages Widget.

Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type that has the Unread SMS Widget on their dashboard and/or the permission to unlock their dashboard.

Use The Unread S M S widget

All Staff Dropdown Menu - This will show you all of your staff members. You will be able to view the texts that are replies to a specific staff member or across all staff. 
Select Customer - if you click the customer name in blue from your list, you will be taken to the customer's profile all detail view. 
Work It - By clicking on the Work It button, you will be able to access the work it tool. This will take you directly the Send SMS (Text Message) option, where you will see the history of texts. (please see image below)

NOTE: The response will show under the staff member "Assigned To" the prospect / member (not necessarily the staff member who sent it out). 

To confirm that you have read the new message, and remove this customer from your Unread SMS widget list, click Mark All SMS Read.

Related Articles:

Manage Your Dashboard
Complete Widget Directory
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