This article will guide you through archiving an email template. Requirements - A Master Admin login or staff type with the following permissions:
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access email templates setup
Archiving An Email Template
1. Move To Archive

Find your active email templates by going to
Setup > Communication > Email Templates. Instead of deleting a template and removing it permanently, you can move the template to the archive folder so it is not in your active email template list. This way you can move it back to active if you need it again. Templates with a
red star are currently in use. They are either assigned to a system email, assigned to a certain lead type, or used in an automation rule and cannot be archived until you remove the email template from its assignment.
Click on the brown
MOVE TO ARCHIVE button next to the template you want to remove from the Active tab.
2. Verify The Email Template Is Archived

Click on the
Archived tab to view your archived email templates. From this tab you can choose to
MOVE TO ACTIVE to bring the email template out of the archive tab and back into the list of active templates.
From the archived tab you can still edit templates by clicking on the edit pencil or delete a template by clicking on the red
Frequently Asked Questions
If I delete an email can I get it back?- Not at this time. This is why we suggest Archiving the template rather than deleting.
Can anyone archive an email template?- Yes, if they have the proper staff permissions.