This article will guide you through generating the Booking Events Log Report. This report shows booking activity that occurred during the report date range, including new bookings, cancellations, bookings logged as complete or no shows, or bookings from the past that have not been logged. Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff login with the following permissions:
- Reporting - Can access reports
- Reporting - Can access credits/bookings: bookings change history
Generating The Report

Navigate to
Reports > Credits/Bookings > Booking Events Log > Choose the date range >
Show All Events (or filter by a specific event type)
> All Session Types (or select a specific session type)
> Run Report.Analyze Data
1. Booking Events Log

The online report will contain 3 sections of information. The first section is the
Booking Events Log. This contains the full detail of the booking event.
Booking Event - New Booking Made, Booking Cancelled, Booking Completed, No Show or Past But Not Logged
Log Date - The date the booking event occurred
Event Logged By - The name of the person who logged the booking event in ClubReady
Booking ID - ClubReady booking ID
Booking Location - The location name of the club where the booking took place
Customer Home Location - The location name of the club that the customer belongs to
Last Name - Customer last name
First Name - Customer first name
User ID - ClubReady user ID
Email - Customer email address
Phone - Customer home phone number
Cell Phone - Customer cell phone number
Work Phone - Customer work phone number
Booking Detail - The name of the class or service session that the booking is for
Session Mins - The class or session minutes
Location Type - This will display if the booking was Physical or Virtual
Booking Date - The date that the booking occurred or is scheduled to occur
Booking Start - The starting time of the booking
Booking End - The ending time of the booking
Booking With - The name of the staff member who is holding the booking
Booking Made By - The name of the staff member (or client) who scheduled the booking
Current Status - The status of the booking as of the report date (Open, Completed, No Show, Cancelled, etc.)
To export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export:
CSV (comma delimited),
PDF, or

To page through to the next section, select the right arrow.
2. Summary by Customer
The second tab is the
SUMMARY BY CUSTOMER. This will display the event count (the total number of booking events that occurred per user), who made the booking, and not who the booking is scheduled with. This report also includes Member Status, Membership Type, Prospect (Lead) Type, number of Physical bookings and number of Virtual bookings.
3. Summary by Employee

The third tab is the
SUMMARY BY EMPLOYEE and will display the event count by who the booking is scheduled with, not who made the booking.