This article will guide you through setting your Check-In Web Kiosk. Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
Access The Check In Web Kiosk Setup1. Kiosk Setup ![]() To apply your default check in web kiosk settings, go to; Setup > General > Check In Web Kiosk > Kiosk Setup. Kiosk Active - the check in kiosk will be inactive until this is on. Background Color - you can set the background color for the check in web page screen Button Color - you can set the button color for the check in web page screen Text Color - you can set the text color for the check in web page screen Logo or Text - you can set your check in web page to use no text, custom text, or select a logo to display Check In Method - Here you can select from the options for check in.
System Login Capability - the check in kiosk can display a "System Login" button. This opens up the clubs login page and can be used for client or providers to login Time Delay Before Reset - after successful check in, the screen must return back to the check in authentication screen ready for the next user. This determines what the time delay is before that reset occurs Sound Effects - the check in kiosk can play a sound for a successful access and for a failed access Click Update Kiosk Setup Settings to save your changes. 2. Functionality ![]() Welcome Customer - After customer has been identified by the check in system, you have the option to welcome the customer from the check in screen. If selected, the following options will display:
Click Update Kiosk Functionality Settings to save your changes. 3. Message/Ads ![]() To display messages and/or an image on the welcome page after a successful check in, select which customer type you want to receive the message. The customer types are classified as: Everybody, Only Those Who have Not Purchased Services and Those Who Have Already Purchase Services. To add a message, select On to type the content. To add an image, select On, which will prompt you to select a file saved on your PC. Click Update Kiosk Message / Ad Settings to save your changes. |