This article and video will describe the Client Summary Page. This page is available for all prospects and members/customers. It contains tabs across the top for easy access to client information, icons for shortcuts to client options, and quick edit tools for personal and internal information.
Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type with the following permissions:
- Prospect Management: Can access prospects lookup (to view client summary page for prospects)
- Customer Management: Can access client options (to view client summary page for members/customers)
Client Summary Page

Navigate to
Prospects/Members/Customers > Select desired person. Clicking on their name from the lookup page will display the Client Summary page on the right side of the screen.
The client's name, ID number, gender and age will display next to their profile picture. Beneath that will list their membership type and if a member, how long they have been a member and when their membership ends. Any client amenities will list as well.
Below that client information is an icon bar with shortcuts to commonly used features:
WORK IT - Opens the work it box to log contacts and send an email or text message to the client.
GO POS - Selects this client in the point of sale and brings you to the checkout screen.
NEW DEAL - Allows you to write up a new agreement for the client.
BILLING - Brings you to the client's billing history page.
BOOKINGS - Brings you to the client's bookings & session credit status page
PRESENT - Displays available presentations with your client selected.
PROFILE - Allows you to update their client profile information.
WELLNESS - Brings you to All Detail > Wellness to update health history, events, nutrition, and more.
LOGIN AS - Allows you to assume the login of this client and opens up their online Wellness Portal.
ALL DETAIL - Brings you to the client's All Detail page for billing, bookings, general, checkin, wellness, and task options.
LEAD HIST. - Pops open a screen to view the client's lead history including date and lead type.
Detail Tab

This tab displays key notes, email address, phone numbers, barcode/pincode, if the client has pay details on file, custom categories, when the client was added, tags, lead source, who the client is assigned to, initial contact, address, emergency contact info, and more. If the staff member has sufficient permissions, these can be edited using the
green plus sign or the edit pencil next to any of the fields.
Agreements Tab

The agreements tab will list all client agreements with the newest on top. The list will show the agreement sale date, status, details, and a button to go to the
Full Details of the agreement.
Bookings Tab

The bookings tab will list the client's upcoming and open bookings including the type of booking, date and time, trainer or instructor name, booking ID, if it was completed in the past or how many days in the future it is scheduled for. Click on the Booking ID for more information on the open or upcoming booking.
Notes Tab

The notes tab allows you to view and edit Key Notes, View Important Notes, View All Notes, or Add a Note. Select
Add Note and enter the details of the note along with the note type, an option to
mark as important, and enter in contact details. When you are done adding a note click on
Add Note.
Files Tab

The files tab lists all saved and uploaded files for this client. Click on the name of the file to view it. To add a file to the client's files list, click on
upload a new file and you can browse your computer for a file to upload.
Tasks Tab

The tasks tab allows you to manually add a new task for the client and also view completed or pending tasks. Use the text box to type in a new task for the client. Assign a due date, staff member assignment, color, purpose, and priority. Click on
Add New Task. Completed and pending tasks will list below.
Past 30 Days Tab

The past 30 days tab will display history for the client over the past 30 days. This can include bookings made or completed, emails sent, payments made, check-ins, and more.