Knowledge Base
Brivo - Door Access Setup
This article will walk you through the settings for your Brivo Door Access. 

Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type that has access to the following permissions: 
  • Club Setup - Can access setup 
  • Club Setup - Can access door access setup

To inquire more information on Brivo, please contact 

Accessing Door Access Setup 

To locate Brivo Door Access Setup, navigate to Setup > General > Door Access. 

1. General Tab

The following options will display from here:  
Brivo Account ID - This is your location's Brivo account ID. 
Link Door Access To Check In - This will take the Activity from your Brivo account (scans at the door) and mark then as check-ins for those users. 
Suspend On Past due - This option will suspend any user that goes past due. 
export all credentials - This excel file will show all cards that have been uploaded into your system and who they are assigned to. 
Click Update to save your changes.

2. Search Tab 

The Search will allow you to search for All cards, Assigned cards and Unassigned cards. You can also select the drop down to filter by cards Facility Code and Format.  

3. Add Bulk Cards Tab 

This option allows you to bulk add cards. 
Card Format - Select the card Format and Facility Code you are wanting to add in the drop down. 
Beginning of Range - Enter the beginning of range.
End of Range - Enter the end of range. 
Click Add Cards to bulk upload the cards in the system. 

4. History Tab  


This screen will show recent changes to members and who made the changes with the date and time.

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