Knowledge Base
Brivo - User Account Options
This article will guide you through the different options related to Brivo Access setup available on a member's account.  

Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type that has access to the following permissions: 
  • Member Management : General - Can access client options

Accessing Brivo User Account Options 

To access a member's Brivo Account Options, perform a member/customer search and from the client summary page, go to All Detail > Check In > Door Access Setup.

1. Groups Tab

From here you will assign the appropriate group or groups for the selected user. These Groups are brought from Brivo into ClubReady. You will want to click on the check box next to the Group name. Select Update Groups once completed.  

How To Create a Group On Brivo 

2. Suspension Tab

This screen will give you the option to suspend the selected user. To suspend or unsuspend a user, select the Yes/No option to toggle the status. 

NOTE: This option may be enabled if a user goes past due. To learn more about this setting, click here.  

3. History Tab 


The History tab will show changes made to the user's account and who made the change with the date and time. 

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