Knowledge Base
Widget - My Commission On Invoice Sales
This article will guide you through how to use the My Commission On Invoice Sales Widget. This widget shows where you stand on commissions due and how much sales are required to reach the next commission tier.

Requirements - A Master Admin login or a staff type that has access to view and/or add the my commission on Invoice Sales Widget.

Viewing The My Commission On Invoice Sales Widget

This widget will give you the following information:
Total Invoice Sales for Today So Far - This will show the total of invoice sales done today. 
My Invoice Sales This Period - This will show the total of invoice sales for the current period. To learn more about setting the club reporting period, click here. 
Deals / Show me - The total of deals sold during the current period. This button will expand to show a list of your commissionable deals. 
Commission % level - This will show where the employee is at in regards to the commission tiers set for their staff type. To have more information on how to create or edit commission tiers, click here. 

Show Me Button 

The SHOW ME button will bring you to an overview of your sales. This will show the date of the deal, customer name, sales package name, sales person name, total invoice, and paid upfront numbers of all of your sales for this period.

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