The Point of Sale system only works with Internet Explorer due to the fact that some ActiveX controls are required to print on the receipt printer and to open the cash drawer. In order for Internet Explorer to communicate properly with POS hardware (printer/drawer/pad), it must be given permission to run scripts in the ClubReady application. We will add the store domain as a "Trusted Site" and adjust a few additional settings to ensure proper functionality.
Change Internet Explorer Settings
Please use the following article to help with configuring your settings: https://www.clubready.com/wiki/WK25402015451 -
Manual ActiveX Install
If you have followed the instructions for Internet Explorer and are still experiencing problems with the ActiveX components, please follow these steps.
- Download RawDataPrinter.msi and double-click to install.
- Download ASPPrinter.zip, extract the files and run setup.exe